The Goddess Gathering: Spring Edition
This weekend was amazing! I finally soft-launched my baby, The Goddess Awakening & Healing Sanctuary health coaching business! In the room were some of my most favorite people in the world. Though the day was rainy, we had a wonderful time of healing and release with lots of love, laughter, tears, hugs and sisterhood. After a great meal we welcomed our maternal ancestors into our space by sharing our fondest memories of them and asking for guidance in the meeting. Then we did an exercise that helps us to see where we can bring balance into our lives. Anisha, my Co-Goddess hostess shared how important it is to dream your most awesome vision right before you go to bed…And Scene! Lastly, we each selected an affirmation to meditate on throughout the week. It was a true blessing and I can’t wait for the next one. Shout out to all of my Goddess-Sisters who came to support me on this labor of pure love! 👸🏽🌸🦋