…And I’m the Perfect Person for the Job!👸🏽
Someone recently asked me how I made the leap from working in the entertainment and event industry since 1994 to becoming a holistic nutrition health coach. It seems kind’a crazy to me too! I would have never imagined myself, at this stage in my life, building a completely new revolution. That said, I know deep in my heart, I’m the perfect person for the job; I was created for this! I consider it my small and unapologetic contribution to the cause of my people, the black family in general, black women in particular, and to the resistance! ✊🏽
It all started with having to heal myself. After more than 20 years of nagging health issues, I realized that relying on “traditional” doctors to address my issues – 👏🏽just wasn’t going 👏🏽to cut it👏🏽! I tried all of the remedies they suggested, including three surgeries but still nothing helped. At some point I realized I had to stop doing the same thing because I was getting the same damn result. Frustrated, I started to research natural remedies and decided to take a more holistic approach to addressing my dis-ease. I also began to pray that something, anything, a miracle cure, would come my way; now in full disclosure, I still haven’t found that magic bullet. But, I do believe I may finally be on the right path. 🙌🏽
I am clear now that this journey with it’s high-highs and low-lows has all been guiding and building me to become the dope ass Goddess I was born to be – for myself and others! I’ve attracted amazing people along the way who have had little pieces of the healing puzzle, things that I would have never considered before. Taking a holistic (mind, body, spirit) approach, I have also seen major changes in other parts of my life and body. I also realize that nobody else is responsible for my health but me.
Seriously, how can a doctor realistically ask me questions for less than 10-minutes, twice a year, really provide healing to my body?! The healing is an internal job and I am responsible for it. Once I got that, I went full throttle, cause I ain’t no dummy plus I’m a quick study. Much of it is simple, more prayer, sun, water, sleep, nurturing foods, sensible exercise, and the riddance of all forms of negativity in my life. I realize that sometimes we make things harder than needed and listening to and trusting our gut will put you squarely on the right path.
🌸99.9% of the time people do things strictly because of the 💰💰💰. (like stay at a crappy job, or relationship)
🌸Many of us are unhappy at work and don’t feel passionate about the work or even like our co-workers.
So we stay, suffer, and our body takes the hit. It has been said, that the heart and mind forgive but the body DOES NOT. It’s only a matter of time, before the body will address it’s dis-ease via MS, stroke, heart attack or disease, cancer, arthritis, thyroid issues etc. Bet you didn’t know that all of the aforementioned are considered life-style diseases?! Yep, we pretty much cause them in our body by not taking care of it. Once I began to examine specific areas of my life I realize that I wasn’t happy. So, I decided to do something different and that neither a relationship nor a paycheck were worth me being stressed da eff out. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always had cool jobs, and usually enjoyed them…until I didn’t. I remember calling my mom from Jamaica on my job on a cruise ship to ask her to get me the entire hell outt’a there. The same call was made from the beaches of sunny Texas during my job on the MTV spring break tour in the early 90s. The bottom line is, you don’t have to sacrifice your health or happiness and that of your family’s – just for a paycheck. At some point your faith has to kick-in and realize that The Creator will take care of you…you will lack no good thing.
I explore these topics and more with my Goddess Awakening and Healing Sanctuary clients and will also share a few snippets on this blog, and YouTube channel. Check back often to learn more.