🥦I had a blast teaching the Green Family some of my favorite tips and tricks for reading labels and identifying conventional vs GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) fruit and vegetables and packaged foods.

🍒The intention of the tours are to educate and empower families to shop in ways that will improve their shopping experience and ultimately, their health.

This is my fave quote from the after-survey…
“This tour was very informative and it helped me know how to pick out stuff that is actually healthy and non-GMO ” — McKenzie, 13 🙌🏽

“The Goddess Supermarket Tour” Includes:
🍎A one-hour tour of her family’s favorite supermarket
🍋Learn how to read labels
🥒Which food aisles are the healthiest for you and your family
🍑The pitfalls of buying “healthy” foods
🍇Cracking the marketing code of food packaging
🍐A list of the Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 fruits and veggies
🌸The importance of shopping seasonally and locally
🌶A list of ‘must have” items for your pantry and those items to remove
You should come to the next one!
Book yours HERE today!