The Journey from #FromJerZtoMe
“A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin, and culture is like a tree without roots.” -THE HONORABLE Marcus Mosiah Garvey
I’m only 11 days from stepping foot in #SierraLeone! For #TBT, I’m reminiscing on my 2015 trip to #Cameroon… The Ambassador to Cameroon blessed me with the name Goyzam which means “The Beloved One.” #Boom
I wrote my name(s) in the sand at Seme Beach and gave an offering to my grandmother ancestor, the one who’d been kidnapped from her homeland but who lives thru me and #TheSydSyd!
The people accepted us with open arms.
Learn more in From Jersey To Me: The Awakening & Healing of a Goddess. []Stay tuned as the newest chapter of this journey unfolds right here…#WorldWideWen#FromJerZtoMe#AwakenAndHeal#AfricanAncestry#Africa