Grateful to have Dr. Patricia Newton in The Sanctuary to talk about the on-going effects of Post Traumatic Slavery Disorder (PTSlaveryD) and how after four hundred years of terrorism, the trauma has affected our emotional, spiritual and physical well-being and has been passed down thru the generations.
🔴Electromagnetic fields (EMFs/Wifi) effects our melanin center which supports our immune system in being able to fight infection.
⚫️Symptoms include depression, anxiety, anger, alcoholism, substance abuse, family violence etc. – THESE ARE NOT NORMAL
✳️Contstant stress can exacerbate hypertension, stroke, and diabetes which is rampant in our community.
❗️ACE – Adverse Childhood Experience – traumatic effects of abuse, neglect, dysfunction in the home that occurs before the age of three (3), which causes permenent damage and impact us as adults and into the next generation.
Check out the interview where Dr. Newton shared a few, easy-peasy tips on how to take care of yourself and your family for the long-term.