Wow! What a week! Thank you to everyone who listened to The Sanctuary Radio Show last week! I’ve gotten such inspiring reviews and comments on the content being provided. The Sanctuary Radio Show airs daily at 4 PM on repeat until the listenership numbers increase and folks catch on!
As if that wasn’t enough, (I know, I really need to have a few seats) I also launched my new Website,! On the real, it DID NOT go the way I’d planned. After many months of hard work with my Webmaster and Sorority sister, Ty Brooks of Artfropolitan Media, much to our chagrin…right up to the last hour (3:45 PM); the goddess-awaken URL that I’d been using for years would not connect in time to coincide with the Monday, October 1 @ 4PM, radio launch! UGH! That was the URL on all of my marketing materials and in the intro/outro on my radio show!
I was totally stressed out! Not to mention I had a full day of appointments ahead so I could not be sitting at my desk to troubleshoot. I was using my tools – thinking positively, repeating the mantra that everything was going to work to for my good, trying to elevate the energy of the battle that was going on in my mind. You know how we do. Right at that moment, spirit said, you have already planted all of the seeds to make this a success…”STOP trying to DO and just BE!”
Honestly, it took a few minutes but I was able to calm my breathing, relax and trust that it would work out perfectly. “Clipboard Cherry” (my family nickname) had to give control over to GOD:ESS and let her do her work! I prayed hard to the Ancestors for a quick solution – and boom! Just like that it came to me at 3:50 PM to jump on Canva and create a quick graphic (the one above) using the new URL – and post it on all of my networks. It wasn’t my first choice but it had to do. So at 3:55 PM, I took a huge breath and pulled the trigger, posted my graphic, then sat on my balcony, put my feet up and listened to the first episode of The Sanctuary, with Dr. Vikki Johnson! Woot! Woot!
Now, of course, the URL started working the next dang day but the whole ordeal was a great reminder to release control of the outcome once I have planted the seeds, the goal was to get folks to see the new Web site, regardless of the path they took to get there! As for the Goddess Awakening & Healing Sanctuary is concerned…I’m learning to embrace the fact that though there are many paths the goal is the same to #AwakenAndHeal!
Comment below on areas in your life where you could consider doing less and being more?