Ever had a #Karen moment? …of course, you have. 😒🤷🏽♀️ This #stateoftheunion with @katskornerco (@lsp_onthego) & @evelynbandohwrites (Mystic Genius) was everything!
We unpacked the looonnnggg and violent evolution of ‘some’ white women in the US, #Kanye, #COVID, and other crazy ass current events! More importantly, they shared ways we can tap into our own divinity to navigate and mitigate some of the damage.
Grab your copy of #FromJerZtoMe to hear how I was arrested due to my own #karensgonewild experience! ❗️
Join me on Patreon! patreon.com/awakenandheal
Share the love! Risikat Okedeyi $Lilsosocash
Evelyn Bandoh $eviemysticgenius
Wendi $Wendi30