What a blessing to have Radiah Rhodes, Dr. Roni Ellington & Tawana Bhagwat of Evók Life by Design in The Sanctuary! They taught us how to be intentional and how to get out of our own way. Radiah Rhodes shared the THREE things that can block us from being in alignment with our power.
❶ We don’t tell the truth
❷ We don’t ask for help
❸ We have to overcome exhaustion
Visit: Evoklife.com for more.
Dr. Roni Ellington said, “What you resist, persists, what you embrace disappears.” There were so many gems, you just have to check it out for yourself!
The Sanctuary Radio Show airs online, daily @ 4 PM on DC Radio , 96.3 HD-4, and DCRadio.gov and iTunes, Spotify, SoundCloud, YouTube, Google Music!