Thankful: National Adoption Awareness Month: THE SIBS
Amazing how life can change in the blink of an eye! Especially when you are open to the possibilities. I mean, you think life is one way, then BOOM, it changes!
That’s what happened to me on August 10th. While driving to work, I did my normal routine of praying and asking The Ancestors to give me yet another amazing day filled with blessings, fun, and abundance. I really didn’t think too much of it. Then just like that, what happened next changed my entire life for the awesome!
Let me start from the beginning. While perusing Facebook, I found a direct message from a ‘stranger’ asking me to check my 23andMe.com account because their test results said I was their…DIG THIS…SISTER!
Yep, that was my face. I was sitting at my desk and sorta looked around to see if anyone was looking at me. I’m not sure if I gasped or made any other sound but I was certainly semi-shocked. To ensure I wasn’t bugging or being punked; I immediately called my sister and ran it by her, just to be sure.
After a bit of sleuthing, we confirmed that indeed, I had been “found” by my new siblings…with an “s”! You heard me right! I had not ONE but TWO new siblings – twins to be exact! How cool was that?! There was no denying because, in addition to the DNA results, they actually looked a lot like my family members.
PHOTO: This was our first “SIBS” photo together! (Look at those teeth and cheeks!)
That night we Skyped until the wee hours of the morning and have all been inseparable ever since, affectionately dubbing ourselves, “THE SIBS”! In early October, a few of my closest family and friends, came from far and wide, for a “MEET THE SIBS” party, to share in our excitement.
Check us out.
Cute, right?!
PHOTO: We even had matching “line” shirts (in birth order)
PHOTO: Just like sisters, already having a group “primp session” in the mirror!
PHOTO: JerZ was D-Double-E-P!
PHOTO: My Sorors/Linesisters/friends came to share in the love!
PHOTO: My honorary “sister”, the #9, even made sure she got a hug in too!
Though this is just the beginning, we are all excited to see what awesomeness life has in store for us. Just in this iteration – we have more people to love!
What a wonderful way to start the season of giving thanks and celebrate the closing out of National Adoption Month! This will be our first ‘SibsGiving’ together! Cheers to love, peace, abundance, health and wealth for all of “THE SIBS”!
PHOTO: My baby brother (hooray! …I’ve never had a baby brother before) sums it up in this pic! Let’s get this party started! I look forward to seeing what this new chapter will bring me on my journey #FromJerZtoMe!