Well not really but I am writing a book! Whoa! I get nervous every time I say it. I have been encouraged to write a book for years. I never had the courage until this very moment to even try. I have allowed a lack of good time management and fear of rejection hold me back.
Welp, I have decided to push past that and am excited to embark on this journey #FromJerZtoMe. (which I think will be the title) I’m both excited and nervous.
More deets coming soon, pre-orders begin this fall, just in time for the holidays, so please cop you one or three
Mommy encouraged me to journal beginning on Christmas Day, 1978. Peep the very first journal entry above. Do you note the detail? … The flow? The sentence structure? …The impeccable “wordsmithing” used to ensure I set the mood and captured the moment just right? …Nah? Yeah, me either but trust me, I got better.
Right before bed, I would jot down a few notes about what happened during that day in my Holly Hobbie journal. I have maintained that practice up to now and have about 20+ books filled with my life (in the pic above) – the good, bad, horrid, awesome and in-between. Recently, I’ve been reviewing them and have seen tremendous growth, places where I still need work and have even surprised myself with some of the things I have overcome. Yay, me!
There are some funny moments too…like that journal entry in ‘81, where I expressed my reaction to a frustrating situation by simply using the old adage – “shit” – in a sentence, in proper context, I might add. My younger journals are filled with memories of Tinton Falls (New Jersey), sleep overs, boys, the Eatontown Roller Rink, Monmouth Mall, “the Field”, boys, boys at the Eatontown Roller Rink, boys at the Monmouth Mall – well, you get it.
I even kept a pregnancy journal #TheSydSyd loves to read documenting the 1,026 times I threw up while carrying her. She reluctantly writes in her journal occasionally, but I stay on her – she’ll thank and appreciate me later.